Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"Main Plaza Still Needs ADA Compliance Upgrades"


SAN ANTONIO -- Even though the Main Plaza construction and restoration project is already over budget, the city will have to spend about $250,000 for overall enhancements, including bringing the park to federal disability standards.

Some of the mobility problems at Main Plaza include gravel preventing full wheelchair access, paving width, sidewalk slope and staircase handrail adjustments for the visually impaired, said Judy Babbitt, the city's disability access officer.

(from KSAT-12)

Mayor Hardberger pushed this project through quickly, so I guess it is no surprise that some mistakes were made in remaking Main Plaza. And the city ended up spending over $18 million on a $10 million project. You would have thought, though, that the city planners would have considered the ADA during the process, wouldn't you? After all, it is the law of the land.

But, hey, what's another 250K when your project has already cost almost twice what was projected?


Kels said...

Yeah... FYI, the handicapped accesible restrooms in Hemisfair Park are a JOKE! You can't fit a wheelchair in there... and I know from trying to help my student get from his wheelchair to the toilet... the wheelchair had to be taken out of the stall... and additionally there were NO GRAB BARS OR RAILS to aide in his transition! Our city is FAR behind... which is surprising given what a "tourist city" we are.

Dave said...

I wanted to say, "Unbelievable", but really, this seems par for the course.