SAN ANTONIO -- A San Antonio man is accused of trying to have sex with someone he thought was an underage girl whom he met in an Internet chat room.(from KSAT-12)
Thomas Cody McGee, 25, is facing three counts of online solicitation of a minor.
Police in Bryan, Texas, said they had the warrant issued for his arrest after one of their detectives, posing as a 14-year-old girl, was propositioned by McGee.
San Antonio detectives served the warrant at the home in the 3900 block of Viewsite Drive Thursday afternoon and arrested McGee.
What's a bit odd is the guy's booking photo.

Now, the story doesn't say, and it's entirely possible that McGee got his new face before the police paid him a visit, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me that he had resisted arrest.
Or maybe he just ran into Dr. David Banner.
Hewas beat up by the 9 year old girl's family
Anon 3:41 PM, I don't get what you're saying. The news report said this:
Police in Bryan, Texas, said they had the warrant issued for his arrest after one of their detectives, posing as a 14-year-old girl, was propositioned by McGee.
There was no girl (9, 14, or otherwise), so there was no family to beat him up. Granted there's probably more to this story than what is contained in the KSAT news article, but it seems that the crime he was arrested for was all about the solicitation and not about actual child molestation.
he was arrested a week before in south padre island for fondeling a nine year old girl.
Next time, try leading with that bit of information. And please include a link to the news story that backs up your claim.
I know him personally, My information is not from a news story. I just didnt want a random rumor spread because of a false assumption, do some research next time before starting rumors. Thanks!
Anonymous, this post dealt with the original story as it was published, which mentioned nothing of the South Padre Island charges. In fact, I acknowledged the possibility that he had run into prior trouble:
Now, the story doesn't say, and it's entirely possible that McGee got his new face before the police paid him a visit, ...
If you -- or anyone else -- has new information not contained in the original news story that you wish to put out there, back it up with some kind of documentation, if you can. But don't ever tell me to "do some research." If you make an assertion (and this applies in any debate or argument you ever engage in), be prepared to back it up. It is incumbent upon you to prove or support your claims, not the person you have a disagreement with.
Omfg that's crazy I use to date that guy! But I wasn't underaged when I did. Guess I dodged a bullet there. Had no idea he was like that
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