Police responded to a crash Tuesday morning where a car became impaled by a guardrail, but the driver was nowhere to be found.(from KSAT-12)
The accident happened around 2:30 a.m. at Loop 410 and Exchange Parkway.
Officers responded to the scene and said at least two feet of guardrail was on the driver's side but nobody was inside the vehicle.
A short time later, police said they found a man wandering around behind a strip mall. Police said the man was intoxicated, but not injured.
Not injured, but probably a lot more sober.

I don't know. I suspect the car drove off without the man and impaled itself. Meanwhile, the driver, distraught that his car had left him, immediately got drunk and waited for police to bring him the bad news about his car.
It could happen.
I'm not saying that the injured man wandering behind the strip mall was the driver, but isn’t it possible that he would’ve jumped off the car before it hit the guardrail? What do you think? If he was not the driver, then, they should check the car’s registration and look up the owner of the car, for all we know, this could’ve been stolen as well, and the man behind the strip mall just happened to be there.
Looking at the damage, I’m sure the driver got hurt too, somehow. Anyway, they can check the traffic cameras, if there are any, or at least find a witness, so that they’ll be able to know the whereabouts and the condition of the driver. If the driver is nowhere to be found, there are a lot of ways they can do to know who the car owner was, and have him or her cover the damages.
-Tracy Pierre
I wonder what’s wrong with the driver that he left the car after the crash. For whatever reason it was, he should’ve reported every detail of the incident. Could it be that the suspicious guy walking around is involved in this incident? Perhaps he was really the driver, and he didn’t want to get apprehended for DUI? Hmm… I’m just glad nobody was hurt in this accident.
Not every car crash requires the police to be called, you know. However, if someone is hurt or the other driver does not share his/her information and insists the police to be called, it is highly recommended that you call the police. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with calling the police if you feel unsafe.
I certainly agree with Rachel. Even in the most minor car accidents, we also need to make sure that there is a legal accident report. People, do not leave the scene until the police file a full report. It's important to not to admit any fault or liability about the accident - limit your discussion with the police. :)
I strongly agree with what Mike had to say. However, it is important to make sure there is a legal accident report, in general. :) Remember, to not leave the scene unless the police has filed a full report.
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