(from KENS-5)The bomb squad was called to a San Antonio police substation Wednesday morning, and officials say the Good Samaritan who carried them thought he was doing the right thing by handing over some explosives to the police department.
But police say that was exactly the wrong thing to do.
Police say the man came to the Prue police substation with two training grenades and one active grenade. The man allegedly found the three grenades at home and did not want his kids to mess with them. The man told police the grenades belonged to his grandfather and that they were in his home for about ten years before he found them.
He did not know what to do with them, he told officers, so he brought them to police and told them they were in his truck. But police say the man should have left the grenades where he found them and called for help instead.
BUT! The really strange part is that the police officers at the Prue substation seem to feel like they need that connection to the farm, to the regular people, to the times when life was simpler.
Look at this still shot from the video of the story.

Do you see what's back there, behind the officer, behind the box, behind the fence erected to keep them in?
That's right.
Chickens! At the police station.

¡Puro San Antonio!
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