KSAT-12 reports on a new dealership in the Alamo City:
SAN ANTONIO -- The first automotive dealership that features all-electric vehicles will open in San Antonio on Thursday.
ZAP Electric Cars, located at Loop 1604 and Stoneoak Parkway, will offer the Zebra, a three-wheel four-door compact car. There is also a two-seat pickup available.
The vehicles, which start selling at $11,000, can reach a maximum of 40 mph and are not intended for highway use. No air conditioning is available. [emphasis added]
Here's a screen capture from the story. Ain't they cute?

P.S.: The post title is a reference to "Homer the Great".
A lot of good they'll do, if they're not highway legal. Everybody who goes anywhere in S.A. uses the interstates.
I personally would not drive a car that could be knocked over by Mr. Bean.
At least his had four wheels.
Of course, what I thought was really strange was that someone thought it would be a good idea to introduce a new car in San Antonio that had no air conditioning. At least he waited until the fall to open up his business.
I trust you could add a window unit to it, right?
It might tip the car over, though.
I meant that odd little three-wheeler that he always ran into and knocked over every time he drove somewhere.
Ah. Gotcha now.
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