The robber is described as a black male in his late teens or early 20’s. He has black hair/short dreadlocks and brown eyes and is 5’09” to 5’10” tall and weighs about 160 - 200 lbs. The man was wearing a black baseball cap, black jacket, blue jeans, black t-shirt, and a gold-colored necklace with a gold-colored headphones pendant.(from WOAI-TV)
And here's the sketch of the suspect as released by the Alamo Colleges Police Department:

Dude doesn't have a lick of hair on his head, much less dreadlocks. Who sketched this? An art student that ran out of time?
Being that they also claim to have "thoroughly searched" a 7-storey building in under 45 minutes, somehow this does not surprise me.
Looks female to me.
Dude looks like a ----- well, I don't know.
I like her eyebrows.
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