Thursday, September 21, 2006

"West Side ice cream truck also allegedly stocked drugs"

We all scream for it. Except one ice cream truck one the West Side seemed to be drawing an older crowd.

Lomi Kriel at the Express-News has the story:

Wednesday, Edgewood Independent School District police arrested a 49-year-old ice cream vendor and accused him of selling cocaine, marijuana and Xanax through his van window.

"I haven't seen something this bold," Police Chief Charlie M. Peña Jr. said. "Right out of the truck, like you buy ice cream." ...

Most of his customers were regulars, Peña said, and, "at this point, it looks like their ages were between junior high and high school."

A system of codes was used by customers to indicate they were to be trusted, Peña said, and referrals for new customers were accepted.

One scoop of snow, one scoop of grass, and don't forget the sprinkles.

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