Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Someone who should have thought a little more

About his choice of shirt, that is.

 The 29-year-old suspect, who wasn't immediately identified by police, told reporters he knew the trailer belonged to a local Boy Scout Troop as he was being led out of the N[or]th Side substation where he was questioned be detectives.

The suspect said he needed the money and said he was sorry for stealing from the Scouts.
(from KSAT-12)

Seriously, if you are thinking about beginning a career as a petty criminal you might want to start investing in plain clothing. And you might want to start wearing said clothing all the time. You know, just in case.

It's hard to be sexy and you know it when you're wearing PD jewelry.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Oh yea, he'll be sexy alright. Wait til the Boy Scouts in the Bexar County jail find out what he did.