Saturday, September 01, 2007

Chupacabra nationwide!

The story of Phylis Canion's alleged chupacabra has been picked up by the Associated Press.

Canion and some of her neighbors discovered the 40-pound bodies of three of the animals over four days in July outside her ranch in Cuero, 80 miles southeast of San Antonio. Canion said she saved the head of the one she found so she can get to get to the bottom of its ancestry through DNA testing and then mount it for posterity.
That's cool. Imagine being able to show off your trophy collection like this: "Oh, yes, here's the twelve-point white-tail I told you about. And here's the mule deer I got in Utah. And the black bear, and the pronghorn, and the elk, and -- oh, yeah, here's the chupacabra."


Dave said...

I couldn't help but notice that the Chupacabra in the graphic seemed to be in the Segway riding position.

Cuero doesn't have a triple-A baseball team do they?

Albatross said...

If they did, they might want to rethink their mascot. After all, the chief characteristic of the chupacabra is that it sucks.

That wouldn't do much for team morale.