Saturday, August 10, 2013

Van crashes into garage

I said I'd be back today. What better way to ease myself back into blogging than by taking note of the latest skirmish in the ongoing war between the vehicles and the abodes.
That crash happened just before 11 p.m. near E. Southcross and Bill Miller Lane.

According to police, the man lost control of his van.

They say he then jumped the curb and took out a fence before crashing through the detached garage.
(from KSAT-12)

Curb, fence, garage. That's a trifecta.


Dave said...

Well done, sir. Welcome back!

Albatross said...

Thank you.

Sabra said...

To be fair, that is kinda a hard turn if you're drunk. Which I'm sure he totally wasn't.

Irish said...

This is fantastic!