Wednesday, September 07, 2011

"Fire Destroys Nail Supply Warehouse"

When I first saw this headline, I thought, Oh no, what are all the builders going to do now without anyone local to make their nails?

And then I read this:
San Antonio Fire Department battalion chief Patrick Zepeda said when fire crews arrived, the warehouse was fully engulfed, causing them to take a defensive stance against the flames.

Once inside, Zepeda said palettes of nail polish were on fire, creating fears the fumes and smoke could be toxic. [emphasis added]
(from KSAT-12)

Oh, oh, oh. I see. Fingernails.

Would it have killed you, KSAT, to include the word "finger" anywhere within the news article? As it is, a reader has to get to the fifth paragraph before fully realizing exactly what kind of nails the warehouse provides supplies for.

But now, I'm clear, and I think, Oh no, what are all the beauty salons going to do now without anyone local to make supplies for their nails?

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