Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A thief who should have thought a little more

If you steal someone's trailer, and you find out there's a professional race car inside of it, you might want to consider that the car might be difficult to drive around in without drawing attention. So you might leave it behind. But, if you do decide to take the race car, and even if you think it would be a good idea to hide it so you can keep it, you might do well to stash it someplace away from where you grow all your pot.

Police say it started this weekend when they recovered a stolen trailer on W.W. White. Police contacted the owner, who is a professional race car driver. He asked if his racing car was still in the back of the trailer. It was not.

Police say through their investigation, they identified a person of interest. On Tuesday, the department flew its Eagle Helicopter to search for the car. It was located in the backyard of a house on Tucker.

The suspect had an outstanding warrant so he was immediately arrested. Police the suspect's mother also lives at the house, and gave consent to search. That's when detectives found an addition to the house in the back. Inside they said it was like a greenhouse for growing marijuana plants.

(from KENS-5)

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