Here in San Antonio and the environs there is a large German cultural influence to go along with the Mexican/Spanish influence, which is why you're just as likely to run across references to a Huebner and a Hausman about as often as a Navarro and a Zarzamora, especially when it comes to road and street names. Largely the pronunciations of these names are just as Anglicized either way. This means you'll likely hear
BLANK-o instead of
BLAHN-ko for Blanco Road and
BRAWN instead of
BROWN for Braun Road. Sometimes people will go out of their way to pronounce the names as if they are speaking German or Spanish, but the Anglicized pronunciation usually holds sway when the speaker is using English.
But there was one minor deviation from this norm that I noticed from time to time, and I used to think it was just one person's idiosyncrasy. Now, after hearing another person use the same pronunciation, I'm not so sure.
Allow me to explain.
I love classical music, so I listen to
KPAC in my car about as much as I play heavy metal CDs. One of the long-time DJs and hosts on that radio station is a guy named Randy Anderson, and I love to hear him talk. He's got the perfect mellow, classical-station type of voice, which is about as opposite from a
Lisle-and-Hahn style as you can get.
Now, Anderson has great enunciation (which is needed when you have all those French, Russian, Italian, and Czech masterpieces and composers to talk about), but, when he reads the traffic reports, he seems to take on a partial official German pronunciation of one particular roadway in San Antonio. That roadway is Wurzbach Road.
Almost everyone around here pronounces that road in an English way, as in
WERZ-bock, which is about as well as can be expected. And, if you were to go all the way with a German pronunciation, it would be more like
VOORTS-bahch (with a slight clearing-throat sound at the end). But Anderson seems to split the difference, and he says
WERTS-bahch. And I don't know why.
So far, Anderson is the only person I've ever heard pronounce Wurzbach that way ---- until today. And guess what, I heard that on KPAC, too! It was some other classical DJ (I didn't catch his name, though) that was on the air this afternoon, and I was a little surprised when, as he was reading off the traffic updates, I heard
him also say
WERTS-bahch in exactly the same way Anderson does. That's a little strange.
Does KPAC have an official pronunciation guide that all DJs and hosts follow, or did that one person I heard today just take it upon himself to follow Anderson's lead?
I'm genuinely curious, if anyone thinks they might have the answer.